We Will teach you to understand how you can discover your personality type

Based on the Myers Briggs theory and these four phases together will find your own unique better personality type Personality is a way to identify your true nature and built-in traits so that We can make better decisions and approach our desires.

Mayer’s Briggs Personality is a way to describe differences in the way people think make decisions and approach the world around us it can help you to understand why you communicate better with some people than with others why some jobs seem more appealing to you and

why you approach relationships that we do understanding your unique type opens up with a wealth of knowledge about who you are and why you do the things you do Myers Briggs type is based on four dichotomies of personality for each dichotomy you must decide which style you

prefer out of two options are you extroverted or introverted,

thinking or feeling judging or perceiving, We will talk about each dichotomy in-depth so that you can better understand how your preferences are like.

The first facet extroversion introversion describes how you get your energy and where you prefer to focus your attention extraverts prefer to focus outward on the world around them they are energized by activities like meeting new people talking about their ideas speaking in front of groups and social activities,

while introverts prefer to focus inward on their thoughts and impressions, they are energized by activities like thinking quietly reading listening to music, or talking with small groups of people they know and trust take a moment to think about which sort of activities Finder energize if you have a pen and paper handy write down your preference.

E or I. The second facet sensing intuition describes how you take in information about the world, sensors focus on facts and details and take in information using their five senses intuitive focus on meaning interpretation and possibilities and taken information using their intuition so how do you tell if you were censored or more intuitive, let’s try and exercise.

Take a look at this Cup, think for a few moments about how you might describe it if you have a pen and paper write down a few words describe the Cup now let’s take a look at sensors and intuitive might respond sensors tend to give facts about the Cup they might say the Cup is 3 inches high it’s white and it’s made of this and that material,

it’s shaped like a cone and hasn’t lived around the top edge intuitive is a different Story they might compare the Cup to other things or make up a little Story about the Cup. An intuitive might mention that Styrofoam is bad for the environment at these cups are very flimsy filled with hot liquid or that the Cup reminds them of the Sunday school,

they go to every week take a moment to think about how you take it information and markdown your preferences.

Remember Myers Briggs is about the style that you prefer most people use some thinking or some use feelings when they make a decision.

Feeling describes how you like to make decisions thinkers like to base their decisions on objective data and logical analysis

I think I might ask what are the pros and cons what are the logic is the most reasonable course of action like to base their decisions on their values and sense of what is right they also like to consider relationships and the impact of choices on other people a feeler might ask what is the right thing to do how will other people feel about this decision

how I can create a sense of harmony and cooperation most people use some thinking and some feeling when they make their decisions but usually feel more comfortable using one style over the other think about the type of information you trust most in making a decision is it objective and logical or values based on a person take a moment and markdown your preference for T or F.

The 4th and final faceted personality is judging perceiving this facet describes how you prefer to organize your life judgers are people who like to make decisions and seek out structure and organization they tend to like schedules and to-do lists and want to know what the rules of the game are before they start they usually dislike surprises and last-minute changes and want to know what to expect they get satisfaction out of finishing tasks perceivers are people who like to leave things open-ended and want to be free to be spontaneous and go with the flow they tend to like flexibility and situations where there are not too many rules they are excited by surprises and often enjoy responding to urgent situations. Perceives are open to things happening at the moment and get satisfaction out of having many options available take a moment now and marked on your preference for J or P.

Now it’s time to put it all together before the letters you have chosen are combined to create a code for your personality type it might be an INFP, ESTJ, ISTP, or ENFJ,

anyone of 16 combinations. for each personality type your preferences combined in a unique way to create an overall style interacting now that you’ve discovered your preferences you’ll want to see how they work together the next step is to read a personality type of file based on your full letter code this will help you to understand how the preferences as well as verified you selected,

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