Dr.Qamar is explaining the definition and relation of Dichotomy with your personality a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different “a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism” Our preference is Calleddichotomies, let’s understand this in a detailed explanation. Preferencesexist in every person when it comes to making decisions, choosing what do you want in life and these four dichotomies or preferences make us who we are.

So the four-letter type code also stands for a very complex interaction of relationships

we will call these types of dynamics and every person has some preferences over others and sometimes it’s very difficult to predict the order in which they are going to be used and developed.

Mostly it’s very difficult to figure out how individuals are going to use them however there tends to be an order that generally is used by each personality type.

The Dominant Function:

Our first function is called the dominant function, this would be the middle to our first function is called the dominant function this would be the middle two preferences sensing intuition thinking, and feeling in there referred to as functions for each type one of these four function takes the lead it’s considered to be the most preferred with a dominant function that’s going to be the number one thing that people falling,

so this may help an analogy no organization can operate very well without a direction or goal a person purpose or even a mission statement and the same holds with our personalities few people are going to be very effective or consistent without one or the other your functions to take the lead so the effects of this are that people use their dominant function is their most favorite it’s their favorite Part 2 using world.

How does it work?

An external world means your extrovert and that’s where you’re going to use your dominant function, if you’re more energized by that internal world in your introvert that’s where you are going to use your dominant function so that means that extraverts are going to use their dominant function in an extroverted world and introverts are going to use their dominant function in an introverted world.

basically what that means is that with an extrovert you’re going to see their dominant function. With an introvert, it is the exact opposite you will not see what they use the most because they keep it quiet they use it inside so the auxiliary function is the secondary function and it is a balancing role that is going to help out and support the dominant function so.

Let’s go back to the idea of organization every organization needs two things to be very effective and that information and good decision-making, 

and the same is true with our personalities you need a dominant function to bring in information and artillery function to make the decisions let’s look a little more at this,

Balancing super eight functions is going to help improve by the balance to a personality it’s going to provide ways to both actions and reflexions so that dominant, and the auxiliary functions are used in opposite ways the auxiliary function tends to be extroverted then the dominant function is going to be introverted and if the dominant function is extroverted then the auxiliary function is going to be introverted.

Treasury is going to be the third function and to be the opposite of the auxiliary function, and this function does not show up in a type code but it is used by everyone the preference again is opposite of the auxiliary and both.

Extroverted add introverted people are going to use them so let’s say if you have an ESTJ their Treasury function is going to be intuition even though it is not in their type code the inferior function is the 4th function and sometimes it is called the 4th function it is the least preferred function,

It is the opposite of the dominant function so if the dominant function is extroverted before the function is introverted and vice versa it may be helpful to think of the core function as having two forms first the 4th function is a way to tap into a deeper awareness of yourself likely to become more important to you during your mid-age when people are under extreme stress or illness well maybe we say that not acting with themselves that would be the 4th function that’s showing up in very negative.

So these four dichotomies or phases or you can call them preferences, together with make your Personality Type.

If you think you would benefit from the support of a coach you can contact us and feel free to talk to us.