Improving Sales and Customer Relationship using MBTI

Boost up Organizational Sales

This intervention is design to improve and increase the convergent rate of the doctors which will eventually boost up organizational sales and will result in high profitability. It is helpful in understanding doctors and their types and influences. To make the selling of the medicines effective and to grab the maximum attention of the doctor while communicating lies in understanding his personality type so that the message you want to convey should be delivered according to his preference which will increase his attention span and better understanding can become possible even in the limited time.

Increase in convergent rate of doctors
Learning effective ways of presenting your products
Increase in number of sales & sales volume
Effective relationship with management

Step 1. Self Assessment

Step 2. Know Yourself To Know Your Doctor

Step 3. Swift Read Your Doctor

Step 4. Doctor’s Type And His Buying Style

Selling your brand/medicines or services can be a daunting task in today’s business environment

We believe that the application of type theory can transform the way to improving sales and customer relationship using MBTI.

Selling your brand / medicines or services can be a daunting task in today’s business environment. Competition is fierce in almost every trade. The volatile condition of the market and a highly informed and spoiled for choice doctors based in the pharmaceutical industry, make it a specialized task to position your brand for both maximum visibility and enhanced respect among the customers.

Learning to increase the time span of meeting with doctors
To manage personal and professional lives at the workplace
Improve in effective communication with the desired doctor

Accelerating Corporate Group Using Personality Type Insights.

We are the expert on Personality TYPES (MBTI)
and certified MBTI and MMTIC practitioner.