Agile Change Management

TYPE preferences and Organizational change

Using this approach consistently can help employees at every level to develop the resilience and flexibility necessary to feel and be more effective in today’s world of work and can make a real difference in the success of failure of organizational change plans.

Ongoing change is an integral part of modern work life. Developments in technology and communications are driving a global economic revolution and, as with previous economic revolutions, the impact ripples out into social relationships, value systems, political alliances, religious affiliations, and individual identity.

Research results consistently show that current change solutions- mergers, acquisitions, restricting, downsizing, outsourcing, etc.—overwhelmingly fail to achieve their stated objectives.

Step 1. Employee Profiling

Step 2. TYPE preferences and Organizational change

Step 3. Using TYPE to manage change

Step 4. Effects of impose change

Step 5. Dealing with losses

Step 6. The 16 TYPES in change and transition

Step 7. Dealing with resistance

Step 8. Leadership through change

Step 9. Change fatigue

We believe that the application of type theory can transform the way to agile change management

Nonetheless, organizations continue to institute such changes, with no end in sight. We help management by providing information and perspective that can help leaders more fully understand their reactions to change, recognize their individual contributions to their work groups and organizations, and become more aware of the aspects of change that are particularly challenging for them.

Developments in technology and communications are driving a global economic revolution

Anticipate problems that may arise from type differences

Circumvent common pitfalls in communication

Avoid setting up resistance in colleagues

Keep the work and group focused

Insights you need during a time of change

Accelerating Corporate Group Using Personality Type Insights.

We are the expert on Personality TYPES (MBTI)
and certified MBTI and MMTIC practitioner.