How to Discover Your personality type? Dr.Qamar Ul Hasan is explaining how we can discover our type and what are the methods and techniques to discover who we are, not only about MBTI but there are also about other methods to discover ourselves. For the first time in Pakistan, He is introducing many ways to discover your personality Type other than MBTI.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”

 Aristotle: LIFE CHANGING Quotes


The thirst for knowing yourself is the biggest journey anyone can start to have a peaceful life.

Why is it important to discover yourself? 

Let’s find why is it matters so much to find yourself, why we need to discover your personality type.

You hear people talk about “finding yourself” all the time and yet most of us don’t know what it means or why it matters.

I think the term gets sort of watered down.

We think of “finding yourself” as this cursory thing we do, on the side, if we have time after we get the more important work of life done.

The language of psychologists uses for a person who hasn’t “found themselves” is: lacking a sense of self or a lack of personal identity

and psychologists recognize that when a person lacks a sense of personal identity, their problems extend into every aspect of their life:

relationships, career, even mental and emotional health.

A person without a strong sense of identity tends to suffer from:

  • Anxiety
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Stunted dreams
  • Financial difficulties
  • Addiction
  • Manipulative relationships
  • Co-dependence
  • Feelings of emptiness or meaninglessness
  • Feelings of helplessness

Not to mention, it can be really difficult to make a decision—even a small one.

When we don’t know who we are, we end up spending more time wondering about what other people want from us than about what

we want and need for ourselves. But Which, of course, can be incredibly anxiety-producing.

Don’t forget what an incredible danger it is to live life without knowing who you are.

We forget there is very little progress we will be able to make in this life if we don’t have a firm grip on who we are and why we matter.

The most important thing is that the story we tell ourselves about our successes and failures influences how we feel about ourselves.

  • What does this tell you about how much control you have moving forward?
  • What is the story you tell yourself about your accomplishments or failures?
  • How do you process successes and failures as they happen to you?

When it comes to finding yourself, depression, and making big decisions, it shouldn’t surprise you that why our mind and our soul are in a different direction, it is the real direction to lead this life.

What are the methods to discover yourself? 

The bitter truth about developing a strong sense of self is that so much of this important development takes place in childhood.

Like if you have faced some kind of trauma in your childhood, or if your parents didn’t help you establish a strong sense of self-love—or if you came from another background were developing a strong sense of “self” was considered selfish—you might still have a lot of work to do when it comes to finding yourself and discovering your personality type.

And the good news is that it is never too late to begin your work.

If you are feeling profoundly lost as you read this, you are in a beautiful place.

Put your pen and start writing your story beginning from your childhood to youth,

it will give you the confidence to self-discovery.

And when you begin to re-write your story, parts of yourself you never knew existed (hint: less-than-pretty parts of yourself) will inevitably come up.

When this happens, practice gratitude for the support around you and for the opportunity you have to heal and grow.

What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and what does it measure?

Have you ever heard someone describe themselves as an ENFJ or an INTJ and wondered what those cryptic-sounding letters could mean?

What these people are talking about or referring to is their personality type based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person’s personality type, strengths, and preferences.

The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung’s theory of personality types.

Today, the MBTI inventory is one of the most widely used psychological instruments in the world.

Apart from that there are other different ways to find yourself but the most trusting one is the MBTI tool to discover yourself, another way is to get a coach who can bring self-love awareness in yourself.

If you think you would benefit from the support of a coach you can contact us and feel free to talk to us.

Dr Muhammad Qamar ul Hassan

Innovating Personality TYPE, MBTI – Based Human Development Solutions

Founding Expert of MBTI (Personality TYPE)

& TYPE-Based INNOVATIONS in Pakistan