What is a Personality What does history say?
In psychology, the study of personality is an interesting topic,
The personality of humans is a combination of nature and nurture.
Have you ever taken a personality quiz the results might tell you that you’re the center of attention or maybe something like you’re an INTJ,
people describe personalities in different ways and scientists still have a lot of questions about how our personalities influence our actions,
and that makes us who we are? If you ever been curious about what the word personality means?
If you have ever been curious about what is a personality, Although no single definition is acceptable to all personality theorists we can say that personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior
Personality Traits
so let’s zoom in and focus on one word here traits you need to know this word in and out when it comes to personality psychology
it’s these center traits are unique characteristics that influence our behavior these characteristics typically set us apart from other people,
For example, you might describe yourself as a respectful person or a genuine person
these are two examples of personality traits before we talk about the big
5 personality traits it’s important to remember that traits influence our behavior, they don’t dictate.
When you are a respectful person you tend to be respectful to other people around you but you might act outside
these traits do too well anything you might have a sick day a bad history with someone or
even nervousness may cause you to act out of character now this is one of the reasons why traits are usually measured on a scale,
so let’s move on to how personality works we display traits through something called psychological
mechanisms you need to remember this term too because it comes up almost as often as traits do.
Psychological mechanisms are like traits except that they are the processes of a personality
that have three parts input the rules the decision rules in the middle, and then the output.
The input is a dangerous situation, so you have rules in the middle right decision rules these rules are based on your traits,
and they make decisions on how you act so the output if you’re a courageous person,
is to face danger now if you’re not a courageous person the output will be you fleeing the scene
so let’s go over these two again traits are characteristics and are the individual words
that we used to describe people mechanisms are the processes that people follow based on these traits,
let’s talk a little about the three levels of personality analysis.
What does history say?
Want to talk a little about the three levels of a personality analysis
so how do psychologists measure personality well for the answer,
we looked at chocolate Murray in 1953 they published personality in nature society and culture in the book,
they say that every man is in certain respects like all other men like some other men and like no other man,
so think about it some universal traits and mechanisms make humans unique to other
species like think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs we all belong to one big group the human race.
But within our species, we separate ourselves is in other groups we might call ourselves introverts
Americans messy people go-getters these smaller groups share personality traits at the most specific level
we all have things that make us unique maybe you have a special talent or strange behavior
that confuses your friend’s habits routines and emotional Connexion to people are
all types of things that make us different from the person next to us.
Here’re 3 examples of ways that you’re like all other humans
you need to belong you want a feeling of purpose all humans want this and you might tear up now here’re
some examples of ways that you’re like some other humans you might be introverted you
might be fantastic at doing your taxes and maybe you wince whenever you watch someone give themselves
a paper cut a Lastly you’re like no other humans maybe you love doing your taxes maybe you plan your day
or you set very specific goals that nobody else on this planet does.
Indifference doesn’t just give us a group to belong to they are the cornerstone of predicting behavior
so as you can see a lot of a personality is understanding the similarities and the differences of different people,
and how they act so let’s move on where does personality come from,
You might hear your family members tell you that you have a similar personality to your mother
or your father now does this mean our personality is inherited do we get it from our family how
do we adopt the personality traits that make us like all other people like some other people, and like no other people,
Well there are a tone of different explanations that explain this or attempt to explain these genetics is 1
but the environment the experiences you have biology and trends going on in your
culture may also explain where you get your personality traits.
If you think you would benefit from the support of a coach you can contact us and feel free to talk to us.
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