Using personality TYPE insights to optimize and accelerate the innovation process

Managing creativity and Innovation at Workplace

We offer Myers Briggs assessment solutions to the organizations in which we facilitate management to understand their human resources so that they could get best out of them. MBTI has helped millions of people worldwide in giving insights about themselves and how they interact and improve with others, how they communicate, learn and work.

The aim of this intervention is to help management with a clear understanding of how type influences different contributions to the innovation process. With this information, organizations can harness personality type differences to complete the innovation process in a dynamic and effective manner. We help management to improve their innovation potential by harnessing the insights that can be gained from personality type. It is also for teams within organizations that will find the material an asset as they seek to navigate the innovation process.

Step 1. Personality TYPE Assessment for aligning innovation process

Step 2. Connection of TYPE and innovation / creativity

Step 3. Innovation process and personality TYPE

Step 4. Sixteen TYPES and innovation

Step 5. Action plan

Using personality TYPE insights to optimize and accelerate the innovation process

Within organizations, managers and workers are exhorted constantly to be more innovative. They are told, “The innovative way in the competitive way.” To be innovative in a competitive way one must innovate continuously. The organization must strive to innovate in all ways and all times to establish a pattern of consistent delivery of quality innovations. Yet how do we create these innovative organizations?

We believe that the application of type theory can transform the way of learning to improve the innovation process.

If everyone is trying to be innovative, how can you be more innovative than your competitors? Organizations that want to establish a culture of innovation put together teams comprising individuals with diverse strengths so that the teams can meet both needs of innovation: idea generation and idea implementation. If the organization can harness creativity and use diverse strengths. It can innovate and gain a competitive advantage. Action Plan: 1.Reviewing TYPE and innovation attitude 2.Innovation strengths and areas for improvement 3.Area for improvement and take action.

Accelerating Corporate Group Using Personality Type Insights.

We are the expert on Personality TYPES (MBTI)
and certified MBTI and MMTIC practitioner.