Type-Based Leadership Training at Rastagar Engineering Company

18 May – 12 Oct 2019, Rastagar Engineering Company took a significant step towards developing its leadership talent with our MBTI Type-Based Leadership Training programs. Led by renowned expert Dr. Qamar ul Hassan, this engaging sessions aimed to enhance participants’ self-awareness, leadership skills, and communication strategies.

Our participants from Rastagar Engineering Company actively engaged in immersive activities, exploring their personality types and learning effective leadership strategies tailored to their MBTI types. This training program fostered a culture of empathy, collaboration, and growth within the team.

Participant Feedback

“I was impressed by Dr. Qamar ul Hassan’s expertise and the interactive nature of the training. It was a great learning experience.”

Highlights from the Event

Partnership with Rastagar Engineering Company

We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Rastagar Engineering Company in developing the leadership potential of their team members. We look forward to future collaborations.